Dear Families,
Over the past weeks, some of our teachers have been out at other Anthem schools as part of our writing moderation strategy. This is a great opportunity for teachers to meet other teachers in their year group across Anthem schools and share ideas for writing whilst helping ensure consistency in our teacher assessment judgements.
Thank you to Duncan Baldwin for all your valuable contributions as chair of our ACC, and welcome Anna Redfern as our new chair! For more on this, see my comment in the ACC update below.
Schönes Wochenende
Key messages:
Please note that there will be an SEND Coffee Morning this Wednesday at 9:15am in the Ground Floor Hall. We are looking forward to welcoming our Trust Inclusion and SEND Lead, Kelsey Clark-Davies, to the meeting.
Important safeguarding notice: to ensure the safety of the children, please ensure that you always close the gate when entering and leaving the school site.