Dear Families,
Curriculum enrichment is so important to us in making our children's experience at JKPS meaningful, relevant and inspiring. Read below to find out about how busy your children have been this week, not just with their usual learning, but with Children's Mental Health Week, author visits, excursions, and today's NSPCC Number Day. And there's lots coming up next week too - a Scholastic Book Fair, DT Week, and Year 3 are off to the Natural History Museum.
Meanwhile, as a staff team we are always trying to develop our skills. Thank you to Anne Sheppee who delivered an incredibly informative and inspirational session on dyslexia to all our teachers on Wednesday.
Thank you to everyone who supported our NSPCC Number Day. Whilst we had to bring the Karneval inside, we had two brilliant assemblies to celebrate.
Schönes Wochenende!
Key messages:
Staff Update: farewell to Ms Phoebe, who is leaving the Year 1 team today - thank you so much for all you have done to support the children's learning since September. We wish you all the best in your next venture. Welcome to Ms Grace, who will be taking over as Malala Yousafzai Class's teacher from Monday - the children were incredibly excited to meet you (again) today!
We are looking for a teaching assistant to join our KS1 team. If you know someone who might be interested, please forward them this link.
This Saturday (8th February) is a gardening day - 11am-3pm. Come down and help get everything ready for spring!
Don't forget that the Stepping into Stories festival continues this weekend with poetry, stories and performances suitable for all ages. Stepping into Stories Kid's Lit Fest 2025
Coming soon: after half-term, in the week beginning 7th March, we will be celebrating British Science Week. If you are a scientist and you would like to come in to talk about your job to the children during the week, please send an email to Mr Donovan via